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Juni Kobutsu Amida

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

juuni koobutsu 十二光仏 / 十二光佛 Juni Kobutsu - 12 Buddhas of Light

. juunisama, jūni sama 十二様 Juni Sama "Honorable 12" deities .
- Introduction -

. Amida Nyorai 阿弥陀如来 - Introduction .

- quote -
Jūni Kōbutsu 十二光佛, Twelve Buddhas of Light, 12 Ephithets of Amida
as given in the Larger Sūtra of Immeasurable Life (Muryōjukyō 無量壽經), they are:
immeasurable, boundless, irresistible, incomparable, flaming, pure, joy, wisdom, uninterrupted, difficult to conceive, ineffable, surpassing sun and moon.
- source : Mark Schumacher -


- source : rokumeibunko . com : 十二光仏 -

These 12 Buddhas can also be found on the halo of some Amida statues.

無量光仏(むりょうこうぶつ)Muryo Kobutsu - immeasurable

無辺光仏(むへんこうぶつ) Muhen Kobutsu - boundless

無碍光仏(むげこうぶつ) Muge Kobutsu - irresistible

無対光仏(むたいこうぶつ) Mutai Kobutsu - incomparable

炎王光仏(えんのうこうぶつ) Enno Kobutsu - flaming

清浄光仏(しょうじょうこうぶつ) Shoju Kobutsu - pure

歓喜光仏(かんぎこうぶつ) Kangi Kobutsu - joy

智慧光仏(ちえこうぶつ)Chie Kobutsu - wisdom

不断光仏(ふだんこうぶつ)Fudan Kobutsu - uninterrupted

難思光仏(なんじこうぶつ) Nanji Kobutsu - difficult to conceive

無称光仏(むしょうこうぶつ) Musho Kobutsu - ineffable

超日月光仏(ちょうにちがっこうぶつ)Cho Nichigakkobutsu - surpassing sun and moon


- reference source : 十二光如来画像 -
十二光如来 Juniko Nyorai


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .

. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Bhaisajyaguru - ABC .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #junikobutsu #juniamida -


Korinji Kanazawa

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

Koorinji 香林寺 Korin-Ji, Kanazawa, Ishikawa

石川県金沢市野町1-3-15 / 1-3-15 Nomachi, Kanazawa-shi, Ishikawa

- quote
Erected by Aoki Gohei, one of the chief retainers of the Maeda clan in 1650, the Korin-ji Temple is the top spiritual power spot in Japan where devotees go to pray for love and marriage. To pray at Korin-ji, start by walking three times around the “Road of Happiness” inside the temple’s garden. After that, touch your Chinese zodiac sign image, followed by praying at the statue of Fudo deity. It is believed that you will be blessed with fair beautiful skin if you touch the deity!

Besides seeking spiritual power at Korin-ji, you will be able to immerse yourself in the pretty sight of flowers here too. Don’t miss the chance for a best view of the lovely cherry blossoms around late March to early April here. From late April to early May, bright crimson-coloured Kirishima azalea flowers in bloom delight visitors while beautiful white amaryllis flowers fill the temple grounds around late September to early October.
- source :

- - - - -幸福御守 Amulet for good luck and happiness

You buy a tasuki 襷 cord to hold up the sleeves of a kimono, for making a wish.
Write your wish on the Tasuki and hang it around the Zodiac animal of your birthday. The 12 stone statues in the temple garden are waiting to accept the wishes and colorful Tasuki.

CLICK for more photos !

. 12 Zociac animals 干支  eto, kanshi - Introduction .
. ne 子 (nezumi 鼠) Rat (mouse)
. ushi 丑 Ox (cow, bull) .
. tora 寅 Tiger .
. u (usagi) 卯 Rabbit .
. tatsu 辰 Dragon .
. mi (hebi) 巳 Snake, Serpent .
. uma 午 Horse .
. mi (hitsuji) 未 Ram (sheep) .
. saru 申 Monkey .
. tori 酉 Rooster (chicken, cock) .
. inu 戌 Dog .
. i (inoshishi) 亥 Boar (wild boar) .


. shusse Daruma 出世だるま career with Daruma,.


- HP of the temple

- reference source : -

- reference : kanazawa korinji temple -


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #korinji #zodiacanimals #shussedaruma -


Kegon Buddhism

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

Kegon-shū 華厳宗 Kegon Sect Buddhism

- quote
Kegon (華厳宗) is the Japanese transmission of the Huayan school of Chinese Buddhism.
Huayan studies were founded in Japan in 736 when the scholar-priest Rōben (良辯 or 良弁), originally a monk of the East Asian Yogācāra tradition, invited Shinshō (traditional Chinese: 審祥; ; pinyin: Shenxiang; Japanese pronunciation: Shinjō; Korean: Simsang) to give lectures on the Avatamsaka Sutra at Kinshōsen Temple (金鐘山寺, also 金鐘寺 Konshu-ji or Kinshō-ji), the origin of later Tōdai-ji.
When the construction of the Tōdai-ji was completed, Rōben entered that temple to formally initiate Kegon as a field of study in Buddhism in Japan, and Kegon-shū would become known as one of the Nanto Rikushū (南都六宗) or Six Buddhist Sects of Nanto). Rōben's disciple Jitchū continued administration of Tōdai-ji and expanded its prestige through the introduction of imported rituals.
Kegon thought would later be popularized by Myōe (明惠), who combined its doctrines with those of Vajrayana and Gyōnen (凝然), and is most responsible for the establishment of the Tōdai-ji lineage of Kegon. Over time, Kegon incorporated esoteric ritual from Shingon Buddhism, with which it shared a cordial relationship. Its practice continues to this day, and includes a few temples overseas.
- source : wikipedia

. Toodaiji 東大寺 Todai-Ji - Nara .
and Priest 良弁僧正 Roben Sojo (689 - 773)
The temple is famous for its Kegon-E 華厳会 Kegon Rituals.

. Saint Myoe Shonin 明恵上人 (1173 - 1232) .
and temple 高山寺 Kozan-Ji


- - - - - There are various temples named Kegon-Ji in Japan.

. Kegonji 華厳寺 temple Kegon-Ji .
岐阜県揖斐郡揖斐川町谷汲徳積 Tanigumi Hozumi, Ibigawa, Gifu

. Suzumushidera 鈴虫寺 / 妙徳山 Myotokuzan Kegon-Ji .
京都府京都市西京区松室地家町31 Kyoto


Kegon Engi-E 華厳縁起絵 Picture Scroll of the Kegon sect

- quote -
Here is a painting of a large boat moving across a stormy sea on top the back of a fierce dragon. Can you believe that such a dynamic work was painted in Japan more than 750 years ago? This fantastic sight may seem amazing and mysterious, but perhaps you may be more surprised to learn that this dragon is actually the transformation of a beautiful woman named Shanmiao (J., Zenmyo).

Legends of the Kegon Sect, Scroll Three : (Kozan-ji)

Shanmiao was the daughter of a rich man, who lived in a port town in China during the Tang dynasty (618-907). She fell in love with a handsome Korean monk from Silla, Uisang (J., Gisho), who was studying Buddhism in China. One day, while begging for alms, Uisang happened to visit Shanmiao's house, where she confessed her love to him. Uisang tried to dissuade her: "I am a monk so I cannot accept your feelings for me. Please open your heart and transfer those feelings to support the Buddhist teachings instead."

Eventually, Uisang completed his studies and was about to return to Korea. Shanmiao, learning of this, gathered all the Buddhist utensils that she had been collecting and rushed to the harbor, but it was too late. The ship had already set sail into the distance. Seeing this, the distressed Shanmiao threw her Buddhist utensil box in the direction of the ship and jumped into the sea. She then miraculously transformed into a dragon and protected Uisang on his voyage home.

This painting comes from Legends of the Kegon Sect (also known as Illustrated Biographies of the Kegon Sect Patriarchs), in seven volumes, which tells of the patriarchs of the Buddhist Hwaeom (J., Kegon) sect in Korea, Uisang (625-702) and Weonhyo (J., Gangyo, 617-686), based on their entries in a Chinese collection of biographies on early eminent Buddhist priests. This set of illustrated handscrolls belongs to Kozan-ji, a temple renowned for its beautiful autumn leaves in Toganoo, located in northwest Kyoto, Japan. Kozan-ji was revived, at the beginning of the Kamakura period (1185-1333), as a training center for the Kegon sect in Japan by the influential monk Myoe (1173-1232), who is thought to have initiated the making of these handscrolls.

The long, continuous narrative style of emaki, or illustrated handscroll, effectively draws its viewers into the story. Here, too, this scene-the climax of Uisang's tale-develops rhythmically from Shanmiao grieving over Uisang's departure, casting her Buddhist utensil box into the sea, then plunging herself into the waves and transforming into the dragon. A heightened sense of anticipation gradually develops for the viewer.

This illustrated biography, which highlights the episode of Shanmiao's devotion to Uisang, perhaps reflects Myoe's admiration for Uisang and his wanting to become like the great Korean master with whom he shared similar spiritual views. Uisang's accomplishment of studying in China, which was Myoe's long, unfulfilled wish, and Uisang's gaining a female Buddhist adherent in China, appears to have left a strong impression on Myoe, who worshipped Shanmiao like a deity and held firm to be loyal like her. Uisang's biography explains the meaning of Shanmiao's miracle and is thought to been produced in order to reveal Myoe's feelings.

By the way, who do you think was Myoe's model for Shanmiao? In the first year of the Jokyu era (1221), after the shogun Minamoto no Sanetomo was assassinated and the Kamakura government experienced turmoil, the Retired Emperor Gotoba raised an army to overthrow the government. However, the government forces quickly brought down this revolt. This political struggle, known in Japanese history as the Jokyu Rebellion, led to the deaths of many courtiers in Kyoto, and during this time, many court women asked Myoe for help. Shanmiao may have represented these women to Myoe, and so he had them become nuns and built a temple named Zenmyo-ji (Shanmiao Temple), in which they could live. He may have also taught these women about Shanmiao's tale and converted them to the Kegon faith. We can imagine that these women, who lost their husbands in war, seeing this story, may have sympathized with Shanmiao and, through Myoe, devoted themselves to Buddhism.
- source : Kyoto National Museum - Junji Wakasugi, 1997-

華厳宗祖師絵伝 (華厳縁起)
小松茂美 Komatsu Shigemi (1925 - 2010)
Illustrated Legends of the Kegon Patriarchs


- A scene from the scroll:

Two traveling monks were sleeping in a cave, not realizing this was in fact a grave.
The first night nothing happened, but on the second night, an Oni demon appeared in their dreams and attacked them.
(Dead human beings can turn into an Oni if they have left problems in this world that need to be solved.)


. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - Index - .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

During the Kegon-E 華厳会 Kegon ritual of painting eyes for the statue of the Great Buddha at the temple 東大寺 Todai-Ji an old man passing by, who had carried a bamboo basket with saba 鯖 mackerels was summoned to read the Kegon Sutra....
... The mackerels turned into 80 volumes of the 華厳経 Kegon Sutra....

- - - - - Read the full story here :
. saba no ki 鯖の木 the mackerel tree .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #kegon #kegonji #todaiji #kegonemaki -


Kawanabe Kyosai Hell Paintings

. jigokue, jigoku-e 地獄絵 paintings of hell .

Kawanabe Kyoosai, Kawanabe Kyōsai 河鍋暁斎 Kawanabe Kyosai
Kawanabe Gyoosai, Kawanabe Gyōsai 河鍋暁斎 Gyosai

画鬼暁斎 Gaki Kyosai, the Demon of painting - as he called himself !

Kyōsai witnessed Japan transform from a feudal country into a modern state.

. Kawanabe Kyosai 河鍋暁斎 (1831 - 1889) .
- Introduction -
Paintings of Daruma, Fudo Myo-O ...
Kawanabe Kyosai Memorial Museum, Warabi, Saitama


kisai 鬼才・河鍋暁斎 The Genius Kawanabe Kyosai - "Demon Genuius"


Jigoku Dayu 地獄太夫がいこつの遊戯を夢に見る図 - Hell courtesan

Jigoku Dayu 地獄太夫 Hell courtesan and Ikkyu
Ikkyū, Ikkyu Sojun (1396-1481)

Jigoku Dayû sees herself as a skeleton in the Mirror of Hell
. 月岡芳年 Tsukioka Yoshitoshi .


Jigoku Dayu by Utagawa Hiroshige I (1797–1858)

- quote -
The old Japanese tale of Jigoku Dayu, or the Hell Courtesan, there are many variations in this story:
Once upon a time,
a very beautiful and elegant courtesan lived in the pleasure quarters of old Japan. She was however extremely arrogant about her own beauty and unbearably cruel to her servants, to the other courtesans of her tea-house and even to her clients. When she suddenly took ill and died, Ema-O, the King Of Hell, stood her before his magical mirror, which shows the true souls of the deceased, and she finally understood how black was her heart. To punish her, the King of Hell made her wear an uchikake, an outer-kimono, made of all the souls of hell being tortured by demons, the weight of which was a constant reminder to the courtesan of how badly she had treated others.
- source : ... jigoku-dayu-dus139-paul-binnie... -


The Deities of Good Luck throwing beans at the demons
Daikoku, Ebisu and O-Fuku

oni wa soto 鬼は外 "Demons, get out!" 「鬼は―外! 福は―内!」

. setsubun 節分 "seasonal divide" rituals .


左甚五郎と京美人圖 Hidari Jingoro and a Kyoto Beauty
detail of a folding screen / 左甚五郎と京美人図

. Hidari Jingoroo 左甚五郎 Hidari Jingoro .
skilfull artist, sculptor and carpenter


'Kyosai Hyaku-zu' 狂斎百図 - One Hundred Pictures by Kyosai

- CLICK for more photos ! -

- quote -
Oni no inu ma ni sentaku (Doing the Laundry While the Demon is Away)
This original Kawanabe Kyosai (Gyosai) woodcut is printed on nineteenth century Japanese mulberry (rice) paper and with full margins as published by Okura Magobei between 1881 - 1886 in the Kyosai Hyakuzu, 'Kyosai Hyaku-zu' (One Hundred Pictures by Kyosai).
It depicts scenes from Japanese folklore & proverbs dealing with household chores, games & demons (Yokai & Oni). The image is constructed by means of two horizontal subjects, the first scene contains a Japanese proverb or expression (Kotowaza), that reads; "Oni no inu ma ni sentaku" which loosely translates to (Doing the Laundry While the Demon is away) or (When the cat is away, the mice will play). The scene depicts a woman washing clothes and a large cat sitting nearby while a grumpy old man goes out for a walk.
The Japanese proverb for he lower scene reads; "Oya ni ninu ko wa oni no ko" which translates to (A child that does not resemble its parents is a Demon Child). Depending on the context, this expression can refer to a child who is misbehaving and is not adapting to the family expectations or it may refer to a simple children's game known as hide and seek. Here the artist depicts children at play, a mother, with her naked child wrapped around her shoulders, chasing a diminutive demon, who in turn is chasing after several frightened children. However, the expression of laughter on the mother's face as she grabs at the little red demon, indicates that it is all in fun. Laughter, in fact, appears to be the connecting link within these delightful and bizarre scenes.
- source : -

..... scenes from Japanese folklore and proverbs dealing with household chores, games and demons (Yokai and Oni).
from the series 'Kyosai Hyaku-zu' 狂斎百図 - One Hundred Pictures by Kyosai.
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !


暁斎百鬼画談 Kyosai - tales and paintings of 100 demons
“Kyosai's One Hundred Scary Illustrated Tales”

- CLICK for more photos ! -


- book references : Kyosai at amazon com -

Night Parade Of Hell Creatures: Bizarre Demonic Art By Kyosai
by Jack Hunter (Editor), Kawanabe Kyosai (Artist)

Kawanabe Kyosai (1831-89) was only 6 years old when he joined the school of the great ukiyo-e master Utagawa Kuniyoshi, along with such fellow pupils as Yoshitoshi, who followed him in 1850. Later Kyosai studied traditional Japanese painting at the Kano school. As befits this varied apprenticeship, Kyosai would embrace many styles and methods during his artistic career. His eclectic approach may also be partly attributable to a legendary sake-drinking habit, which could account for the more bizarre extremes of his chosen subject matter - in particular, weird demons and the bloody tortures of Hell. Kyosai can now be regarded as not only one of the last true ukiyo-e masters, but also as one of the first truly modernist painters of Japan.

"Night Parade Of Hell Creatures", edited by Jack Hunter (who also edited the ground-breaking extreme ukiyo-e anthology "Dream Spectres”), collects and considers over 100 of Kyosai's most innovative, demented and bizarre images - including multiple yokai, ghosts and demons - presented in large-format and full-colour throughout.

- CLICK for more photos ! -


Yokai Wars: Demonic Manga by Kyosai
by Kawanabe Kyosai (Author, Illustrator)

"Yokai Wars" is a special art ebook which collects two of Kyosai's most complete sets of colour sketches themed around demons, monsters, devil-animals, and visions of Hell. These 52 images, dating from 1879 and 1889, showcase the artist's deranged vision at its most inventive, delirious, darkly humorous and at times sadistic.


画鬼 暁斎 Gaki Kyosai and Josiah Conder


Hell in Japanese Art
by Ryouji Kajitani, Naoki Nishida (Authors), Kazuya Takaoka (Designer)

This art book showcases a wide collection of depictions of hell in Japanese art from the 12th century to the 19th century. The single-volume collection focuses primarily on works designated as Japanese National Treasures or Important Cultural Properties and features the various depictions of hell by prominent artists such as Kazunobu Kano, Nichōsai 耳鳥斎 Nichosai, Yoshitoshi Tsukioka and Kyosai Kawanabe.
This volume also features the 19th century woodblock-printed edition of "Ojoyoshu" The Essentials of Rebirth in the Pure Land) written by the medieval Buddhist monk Genshin (942-1017) and is accompanied by modern bilingual text. ... These ideas of hell in "Ojoyoshu" have played an enduring role in inspiring Japanese Buddhist paintings and other subsequent texts, particularly from the medieval period onward, and are vividly portrayed in the painting featured in this volume.

. The Ōjōyōshū 往生要集 The Essentials of Rebirth in the Pure Land .
Genshin 源信  (942-1017), Eshin Soozu 恵心僧都 Eshin Sozu


Demon of painting: the art of Kawanabe Kyōsai
Though ghosts and demons do not exist in this world, the artist Kawanabe Kyōsai proved his artistic worth in his paintings depicting them ...
Kawanabe Kyosai: Beauty and Demon Queller
Kawanabe Kyōsai's Bake-Bake Gakkō (化々學校), or 'School for Spooks' (1872) ... In a classroom full of demons we can see a desk that has sprouted legs ...
... an episode from the life of Shaka (Skt: Sakyamuni), the historical Buddha, the attack of the demon king Mara ...
- reference : kawanabe kyosai demons -

- - kawanabe kyōsai on facebook - -



高澤良一 Takazawa Ryoichi



. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #kawanabekyosai #kawanabe #gyosai #jigokudayu -


Enma Emmado Edo

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

. Enma Ten, Enma Oo 閻魔天、閻魔王 Emma King of Hell .

Temples in his honor are usually called Enmadoo 閻魔堂 Emma-Do, Emma Hall.

The statue of Enma is 3,5 m high and 4,5 m wide. (Said to be the largest in Japan.)
If people throw coins in the box for offerings (saisenbako 賽銭箱), the halo in the back of the statue lights up and flickers for a while. The statue is therefore called
ハイテク闇魔 Hi-Tech Enma.

. Fukagawa "深川ゑんま堂" Fukagawa Emma-Do .
Gofunai Henro Nr. 74 - Hoojoo-In 法乗院 Hojo-In
- 賢台山 Kentaizan 法乗院 Hojo-In 賢法寺 Kenpo-Ji
法乗院えんま堂 Hojo-In Enma-Do -
江東区深川2-16-3 / Kōtō ward, Fukagawa, 2 Chome−16-3


Apart from this one, there are three important Emmado temples in Edo (introduced below)
江戸三大閻魔 / 江戸三閻魔

- 華徳院 Ketoku-In - Suginami
- 太宗寺 Taiso-Ji - Shinjuku
- 善養寺 Zenyo-Ji - Toshima


Ketokuin 華徳院 Ketoku-In (Katoku-In)
- 称光山 華徳院 Ketoku-In  太宗寺 Taiso-Ji
杉並区松ノ木3-32-11 / Tokyo, Suginami, Matsunoki, 3 Chome 32-11
天台宗 Tendai sect

source :

It was founded in 下野国佐野 (now Tochigi, Sano town 栃木県佐野市)by . Ennin 円仁 - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 / 慈覺大師 . - (794 – 864)
It was called 蔵前の閻魔堂 Kuramae no Enmado.

The main statue was made by 運慶蘇生 Unkei and is in the center. To its richt is a statue of the same wood of 奪衣婆 Datsueba, the "Hag of Hell", and to its left a statue of 本地化馬地蔵尊 made by 聖徳太子 Shotoku Taishi.

The temple and the statues burned down during the great earthquake in 1923.
The temple moved to its present location in 1929.
A new statue of Enma was given by 日光輪王寺

- HP of the temple:
- source : -


Taisooji 太宗寺 Taiso-Ji

- 霞関山 本覚院 太宗寺 Taiso-Ji
新宿区新宿2-9-2 / Tokyo, Shinjuku 2-9-2
浄土宗 Jodo Sect

The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.

source :

- History
Founded in 1596 at the beginning of the Oshu Kaido highway by priest 太宗 Taiso. One of the Six Jizo of Highways:
Nr. 03 - . Edo Roku Jizo 江戸六地蔵 The Six Jizō Bosatsu of Edo .

- Other Pilgrimages
新宿山之手七福神の布袋尊 Shinjuku - Shichifukujin - Hotei

- HP of the temple:
- source : -

太宗寺不動堂 Fudo Hall

太宗寺塩かけ地蔵 Shiokake-Jizo -Jizo to throw salt at
When making a wish, people throw some salt on the statue. When the wish has been granted, they come back and throw even more salt at Jizo.

. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - Introduction .


Zenyooji 善養寺 Zenyo-Ji

- 薬王山 Yakuozan 延寿院 善養寺 Zenyo-Ji
豊島区西巣鴨4-8-25 / Tokyo, Toshima, Nishisugamo, 4 Chome 8-25
Shingon sect

The main statue is 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai.

source :

This temple was founded around 830 by 慈覚大師 Jigaku Daishi in Uenoyama, as 上野東叡山寛永寺末 a sub-temple of the Ueno Kanei-Ji.
It was moved to 下谷区善養寺町 Shitaya, Zenyojicho around 1670. To make room for the railway it was moved to ist present location in 1912.
The wooden statue of Enma is about 3 meters high,

- HP of the temple:
- source : -

. Ennin 円仁 - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 / 慈覺大師 . - (794 – 864)


There is another temple named 善養寺 Zenyo-Ji in Tokyo
Tokyo, Edogawa ward, Higashi-Koiwa 2-24-2

In the compound are various stone memorial monuments, like 石燈籠 stone lanterns and 宝篋印塔 grave markers.
The grave of the potter and painter 尾形乾山 Ogata Kenzan (1663 - 1743) is in the compound.
In the compound is also an old pine tree of more than 600 years, 影向のマツ Yogo no Matsu.

There is another temple named 善養寺 Zenyo-Ji in 滋賀県 Shiga, 高島市 Takashima city
Makinocho Hiruguchi, Takashima, Shiga
It comes with a legend of a fox:
The priest of 善養寺 the Temple Zenyo-Ji had been looking after a fox family.
To show his gratitude, the fox told him how to prepare medicine.
The medicine was very useful and the temple became rich by selling it.
Even the fox sometimes went out to sell it.
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .


- reference source : -
- reference : 華徳院 -
- reference : 太宗寺 -
- reference : 善養寺 -


. Juu Oo 十王, Juo, Ju-O - 10 Ten Kings of Hell .

. Pilgrimages in Edo - Tokyo .

- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


. Join the Updates of Facebook ! .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

- - - - - @edopilgrims #enma #emmado #enmaedo - - - - -