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Showing posts with label - - - JJJ - - -. Show all posts


Jizo Mochi Legends

. Legends about Jizo Bosatsu - 地蔵菩薩 - 01 .

Legends about Jizo Bosatsu and mochi rice cakes - 地蔵と餅

. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .
- Introduction -

. Join the Jizo Bosatsu Gallery - Facebook .

Jizomochi 地蔵餅 the name of sweet shops
- reference -

. Botamochi Jizo ぼた餅地蔵 .
legends from various parts of Japan

In some legends, Jizo eats the Mochi offerings, in others they are made in greatfulness.

Jizomochi 地蔵餅 the real thing

and for good measure
soba kui Jizo そば喰地蔵 Jizo eating Buckwheat noodles (see below)

もぐもぐ地蔵 mogumogu Jizo munching rice balls


..................................................... Aomori 青森県 .....................................................

クニチ,シトギマワシ Kunichi September 9
shitogi mawashi シトギマワシ passing Shitogi Mochi around

On the days with nine in the ninth lunar month (09, 19 and 29) it is customary to prepare Shitogi Mochi with the newly harvested rice and offer them to the deity.
The last one of these days, shime kunichi シメクニチ 29, is also called
shitogi mawashi シトギマワシ.
The old ladies and housewifes offer three each to Inari, 月山様 Gassan, 日月様 Deities of Sun and Moon, Jizo, 馬の神様 the Deity of horses, Fudo Myo-O, 金精様 Konsei sama (Deity of the Male Symbol) and 権現様 Gongen sama.


. shitogi mochi しとぎもち / しとぎ餅 fried or uncooked rice cakes .
First made as offerings for the deities, later eaten by the family.

..................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 .....................................................

氷上郡 Hikami gun



..................................................... Ibaraki 栃木県 .....................................................

芳賀郡 茂木町


..................................................... Iwate 岩手県 .....................................................

tanaka no Jizo 田中の地蔵 Jizo in the fields

There was a stone statue of Jizo. This Jizo would become the play companion for children. And sometimes it would eat azuki mochi 小豆餅 red bean mochi .


- another legend with azuki mochi 小豆餅

Yamagata 山形県, Asahimachi 朝日町

yodare Jizo よだれ地蔵
- source : -

. yodarekake よだれ掛け - 涎掛け bib, baby bib .
Jizo with a red bib

..................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....................................................

awamochi 粟餅を食った地蔵様 Jizo Bosatsu eating Millet Mochi

Once upon a time,
the kind and honest 正兵衛 Shobei and the greedy 慾兵衛 Yokubei lived in a village. The poor Shobei, who could not afford Mochi made from white rice, pounded some of millet and offered it to the deities.
His neighbour Yokubei was quite rich and pounded white Mochi.
Shobei wanted to make some offerings to the Jizo statue by the river, so he put some Millet Mochi in his bag and took a bucket to get New Year's Water by the river. He walked along the river, but when he wanted to put the Mochi up as an offering for Jizo, he could not find them any more. They must have slipped out of his pocket somehow, so he apologized profoundly to Jizo.
And well, Jizo answered:
"I just ate your Mochi which have come floating past. They were quite delicious!"
When Shobei looked more closely, he could see some powder around the mouth of the Jizo statue.
So Shobei thanked Jizo with all his heart and went home.
On the way home his bucked suddenly felt very heavy and when he looked inside at his home, he found that it was filled with small and large gold coins.
When Yokubei heard the story from Shobei, he got all envious and went down to the river himself. He stuffed some of his white Mochi into the mouth of the statue and then hurried home.
But his bucket was filled with heavy stones and horse excrements . . .

..................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....................................................

kasa Jizo 笠地蔵 Six Jizo with straw hats

To thank Jizo, Grandfather made some Mochi for him.

- quote from the end of the story -
Since there was more food than the old couple could eat, they had the mice invite their animal friends over, and everybody prepared the food together. Then the old man stacked the boxes of special New Year's food and rice cakes that they had made and took them to the Jizo-sama statues.
"Jizo-sama. Now I can make you an offering. Thank you."

One of the most popular legends, look here for translations:
- reference -

..................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県 .....................................................
引佐郡 Inasa gun

Awamochi Jizo 粟餅地蔵 Jizo eating millet Mochi
During the 南北朝時 Nanbokuchoera (around 1500) there was a person with a lantern standing in front of 奥山城 Okuyama Castle every night. A servant thought this rather strange and went looking, but he fell asleep soon. When he woke up he saw something very strange, took his sword and cut it into two parts, the he run back home immediately. When he went back the next morning, he saw a statue of Jizo Bosatsu cut into two. This Jizo had been erected to prevent wild boars from doing harm to the nearby fields.
Since the servant had cut the statue, the man with the lantern had not been seen again. 奥山六郎次郎朝藤 Lord Okuyama Rokuro Jiro Asafuji had the statue re-built and placed it there again, but next morning it was split into two again. Every time the statue was re-built, this happened again.
The name of this statue is not quite clear.

..................................................... Toyama 富山県 .....................................................

「こら、お花! 売り物に手を出すとは盗人と同じ。いつも盗み食いしておったな!」

「ちがいます! お地蔵さんにちこうて初めてです。もう二度とせんから、堪忍して」

source :


. Buckwheat noodles (soba 蕎麦) .
Daruma eating buckwheat noodles

soba kui Jizo そば喰地蔵 / 蕎麦喰地蔵尊 Jizo eating Buckwheat noodles
at temple 方広寺 Hoko-Ji, Kyoto - Karasudera 専定寺(烏寺)

The statue of this Jizo is about 1 meter. It dates back to the Muromachi period. It is also called
shishi Jizo 獅子地蔵 "Jizo the Lion".
Jizo holds the ritual stick 錫状, in the left hand the wish-fulfilling jewel 宝珠.
The left foot of the seated statue hangs down to the earth.

In the Edo period, around 1700, a man called 伏見屋左近 Fushimiya Sakon from 三条寺町 Sanjo-Ji ward came here every day to offer chrysanthemum flowers.
Once he had business in Edo and had to cross the river 駿河の大井川 Oigawa in Suruga. But the river was flooding and could not be crossed. Since Sakon had to return really urgent, he jumped head first into the river trying to swim. He struggeled in the floods when suddenly a lion passed by, took Sakon on his back and brought him safely to the other shore. Then the lion disappeared in the sky.
That night, a priest appeared in the dream of Sakon, telling him he was the Jizo of 烏寺Karasudera. To show his gratitude for the daily offerings of flowers he had changed into a lion and saved him.
When Sakon woke up, there was a statue of Jizo, about 9 cm tall, beside his pillow.
When he finally reached Kyoto, we went to the temple Karasudera and showed the statue to the priest. The priest told him it was the small statue inside the main statue (tainaibutsu 胎内仏).
To show his gratitude, Sakon now built a special hall for this Jizo.
(according to the old records 拾遺都名所図会)

This temple is Nr. 43 on a pilgrim tour to 48 Jizo Temples.

(Still trying to figure out the relation to eating buckwheat noodles.)

Senjooji 専定寺 Senjo-Ji
is also called Karasudera. It is located in the West of Hoko-Ji.

. Hookooji, Hōkō-ji 方広寺 Hoko-Ji, Kyoto .
Kyoto Daibutsu no Nanafushigi 京都大仏の七不思議
The seven wonders of the Daibutsu in Kyoto


another legend from Edo, now Tokyo Nerima  江戸 練馬区






- source : -

About 1.50 m high stone statue.

Edo 江戸期所在地 / 田島山誓願寺 塔頭西慶院(現九品院)(浅草北寺町)
現所在地    / 誓願寺(府中市紅葉丘) 九品院(練馬区練馬4丁目)


- source : -

- source : widetown/otona -



- - - - - reference - - - - -

yokai database - Jizo and Mochi -
- source : -

- reference - google -

Legends about Soba そば用語辞典 【 そ 】   
- source : sobakiri/sakuin -


. - Mochi 餅 rice cakes and 妖怪 Yokai monster legends - .

. Legends about Jizo Bosatsu - 地蔵菩薩 - 01 .

. Japanese Legends and Folktales .
- Introduction -

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- - #gokurakujizolegendsmochi #jizolegendsmochi #jizomochi #mochijizo #jizosoba #awamochi -


Jizo Legends 01

. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

Legends about Jizo Bosatsu - 地蔵菩薩 - 01

. Join the Jizo Bosatsu Gallery - Facebook .

. Legends about Jizo Bosatsu and Mochi rice cakes - 地蔵と餅 .

. Legends about Roku Jizō 六地蔵 Roku Jizo, Six Jizo Statues .

. Enmei Jizoo 延命地蔵 life-prolonging Jizo .

. kitsune 狐 fox and Jizo Legends . *

. shichiya 質屋 - Jizo at the pawn shop .

. Soomen Jizoo そうめん地蔵 Somen Noodles Jizo .

- - - - - ABC order of the prefectures - - - - -


- - - - - Aichi 愛知県

okama Jizoo お釜地蔵 Jizo and the cooking pot

Once upon a time
there was evil mother who tried to kill her child by boiling it in a huge pot. But
suddenly, Jizo sama appeared to act as a substitute for her kid.
The evil mother clearned up her act and mind when she saw Jizo standing in the hot water.
Since then it is said that this Okama Jizo protects the children .

- source and more photos : Aoi san on facebook -

- - - - - Chiba 千葉県

. Ketsubon Kyo 血盆経 Blood Bowl Sutra .

- - - - - Fukui 福井県

敦賀市 Tsuruga 赤崎区 Akasaki ward

There are special prayer groups for the Deity of the Mountain、Yama no Shinko 山の神講.
When a new home is built, the children all come together and run to the 大日堂 Hall of Dainichi, clad only in a loincloth (and nowadays white pants) and carrying thick ropes. At the Hall their leader puts a rope he had carried around his waist on the roots of the sacred 松の木 pine tree.

Then all the other kids put their シト / つと (shito) tsuto there. Then they all go into the hall and smear a special sacred paste made from rice, water and sake, called shitogi シトキ / しとぎ on their bodies. This act signifies to become a Jizo.
The Deity of the Mountains is seen of a "Monster of the Night" (yoru no mamono 夜の魔物).
This ceremony is supposed to appease him and keep the children safe.

- source :


- - - - - Fukushima 福島県

福島市 Fukushima

Kazafuki Jizoo son 風吹地蔵尊 Jizo from Kazafuki
The 16th day of the 3rd lunar month is the day of Jizo at the local temple. Already one week before the festival the impatient children from the local grammar school come here to play. During that time they are allowed to do anything they like with the Jizo.
On the "floating festival" day, Toonagashi トーナガシ, the water of the canal is stopped for a while, then the statue of Jizo, all naked, gets a rope around its head and is lowered into the water to let flow. The children have to pull the rope to hold it back.
Then one day someone washed the Jizo on the festival day and brought him to the shrine 神社. But after that his grandmother became ill and had to stay in bed.

- - - - -

. sweets offerings to Jizo to heal children .

- - - - -
. Six Jizo at the temple 正福寺 Shofuku-Ji .

- - - - - Hiroshima 広島県

呉市 Kure 蒲刈町 Kamagari

. Jizo sama and Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 .

- - - - - Kanagawa 神奈川県

. mochiage Jizo 持上げ地蔵 lifting the Jizo statue .
at 蓮光寺 the Temple Renko-Ji

- - - - - Miyagi 宮城県

. amazake Jizoo 甘酒地蔵 Jizo and sweet rice wine .
and the death of Date Munekiyo 伊達河内守宗清 (1600 - 1634)

. awamochi 粟餅を食った地蔵様 Jizo Bosatsu eating Millet Mochi .

. Mizunokami 水の神 and Jizo Bosatsu .


- - - - - Nagano 長野県

. amagoi Jizo 雨ごい地蔵尊 rain rituals with Jizo .
at the river 千曲川 Chikumagawa

南佐久郡 Minami-Saku district 小海町 Koumi town

. Jizo no horagaishi 地蔵のほらが石 conch-shell stone of Jizo. .

佐久市 Saku town

Roku Jizo 六地蔵尊 The Six Jizo
During the Edo period, there was an epidemic in the region. So the local Lord Nezu 祢津 had six Jizo taken to Edo to quell the spread of the disease. The statues were very heavy and difficult to transport over the many passes, especially 碓氷峠 Usui Pass in Gunma.
But on his way back when the disease had gone and he crossed the pass again, the Jizo statues felt really light.


- - - - - Nara 奈良県

三宅町 Mitake

. oote kure Jizoo おうてくれ地蔵さん Carrying a Jizo piggyback .


- - - - - Okayama 岡山県

asekaki Jizo sama 汗かき地蔵さま
eboshi o kabutta O-Jizo san 綿帽子をかぶったお地蔵さん
kubikiri Jizo 首切り地蔵

more tba
. Legends from Okayama 岡山の民話と伝説 .


- - - - - Saitama 埼玉県

. ohaguro Jizoo お歯黒地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu with black teeth .

. sakenomi Jizoo 酒飲み地蔵 Jizo having a drink of Sake - statue .
岩槻市 Iwatsuki

Once upon a time
a samurai from 浦和市 Urawa got very drunk on sake.
He took his sword and cut off his nose, shouting "If Jizo has a soul 魂, he should now come here and show it to me"!
But after that misfortune happened constantly to his family. When the clan was almost at the end of its wits, they begun to offer rice to Jizo every year on the 24th day of the 7th lunar month.
The 24th day of each month is considered the ennichi 縁日 prayer day for Jizo.


- - - - - Tochigi 栃木県

After a drinking party a drunk hunter once threw his hunting dog and a Jizo statue into the lake. The Jizo began to swim on the water, grabbed the poor dog and brought him back to the shore.


. Iwafunesan 岩船山 高勝寺 Iwafune-San Kosho-Ji .
shooshin Jizoo 生身の地蔵 living Jizo Igaboo 伊賀坊 Igabo, Iga-Bo
and Guseiboo Myoogan 弘誓坊 明願 Guseibo Myogan from Mount Daisen, Tottori


- - - - - Tokyo 東京都

. Asakusa Kannon 浅草観音伝説 Legends from Asakusa Kannon Temple .

. hamaguri 蛤 clam shell and golden Jizo statue .

. Hoosenji 豊仙寺 / 宝仙寺 Temple Hosen-Ji .
- daija no hone 大蛇の骨 bones of a huge serpent
- Jizo no hoosoo 地蔵の疱瘡 Jizo Bosatsu with smallpox

. hoozuki 鬼燈 - 鬼灯 - ほうずき Chinese lantern plant .

. ishi Jizoo odoru 石地蔵踊る dancing stone Jizo .
at Yotsuya 四ツ谷乗運寺横町 Joun-Ji Yokocho, Shinjuku


- - - - - Wakayama 和歌山県

みなべ町 Manabe

On the steep road in front of 嘉道地蔵さん Yoshimichi Jizo many people came to fall but nobody was ever injured. Jizo always picked them up and brought them back to the road safely.
Once a drunk old man on his bicycle fell into the river, but even he got away safely and without injuries.


- - - - - reference - - - - -

子育て地蔵 . . and many more

地蔵菩薩 18 / 地蔵尊 46 / 地蔵 595
yokai database 妖怪データベース - 01 / 595
- source :

Sake and Jizo 酒 - reference
- source :


. Join the Jizo Bosatsu Gallery - Facebook .

. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .
- Introduction -

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- - #gokurakujizolegends ###jizolegends #jizobosatsu -


Jinnei-In Henro 68

. List of Buddhist Temples with Legends .

Jinneiin 神恵院 Jinnei-In

. 四国お遍路さん Henro Pilgrims in Shikoku . - General Information -

. Shikoku Henro Temple List .


Nr. 68 - 七宝山 Shippozan 神恵院 Jinnei-In
香川県観音寺市八幡町1-2-7 / 1 Chome-2-7 Yahatachō, Kanonji-shi, Kagawa

- quote
On March 21, 703, Nisshō, a monk in the Yogacara School, had a vision here. Seven colorful clouds arose on the western horizon and hovered over the mountain of this temple (Mt. Kotohiki). Suddenly a ship floated on the sea and the god Hachiman appeared to Nissh( playing a Koto and said, I am the god Hachiman himself, and I will stay here to protect the Buddha's Dharma and the ruler's law.

Nisshō dedicated the ship and its Koto to the temple. Later, Kōbō Daishi painted the Kotobiki (harp playing) Hachiman in the form of Amida Butsu and dedicated that to the temple as well. The picture of Amida is now a National Treasure. Kōbō Daishi is also attributed with having carved the honzon.

Legend states that Gyōgi Bosatsu also stayed at this temple for a short period.

Be sure to look down on Ariake beach from the temple and see the coin-shaped circle made of sand and originally built in 1633 in imitation of a coin of the Kanei period.

** Both this temple and Temple 69 are in the same compound and the nōkyōsho for both is at the same window.
- source :

- Chant of the temple

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .


the coin-shaped circle

Offering at the temple

. - Photo Album from my visit - .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .

. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction - .

The Five Great Wisdom Kings, Godai Myo-O - 五大明王
. The Five Great Elements of the Universe - 地水火風空の五大 .


- Two short Haiku Henro Trips, Summer 2005

. 四国お遍路さん Pilgrims in Shikoku . - General Information

Koya San in Wakayama

Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海
(Kooboo Daishi, Kuukai )

Haiku and Henro:
.... . The Haiku Henro Pilgrimage  


. List of Buddhist Temples with Legends .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .


- #jinneiji #jinneihenro -


Jizo-In Tsugaru Daishi

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Jizoo-In 地蔵院 Jizo-In

Nr. 20 - 愛宕山 Atagosan - 地蔵院 Jizo-In

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .


CLICK for more photos !

黒石市山形町81 / 81 Yamagatamachi, Kuroishi-shi, Aomori

It belongs to the Daigo shool of Shingon Buddhism 真言宗醍醐派.

The main statue is 勝軍地蔵尊 Shogun Jizo, General Jizo

The temple was founded in 1654 on behalf of the daimyo 津軽土佐守信義 Tsugaru Nobuyoshi (1619 - 1655). The founding priest was 日蔵 Nichizo. The Tsugaru Kuroishi clan protected the temple.
黒石三代領主津軽政兜 Tsugaru Masataka added more riches to the temple and made it the votive temple of his clan in 1697.

Tsugaru Tamenobu 津軽為信 (1550 - 1608) had build the Atago Shrine 愛宕宮 in Kuroishi and offered a statue of Shogun Jizo. The hall was called Atago Gongen 愛宕権現 at the top of mount Aseishi 浅瀬石山. The Hall had been relocated to Iwaki town 岩木町愛宕山橋雲寺
Aomori-ken, Hirosaki-shi, Atago, Yamashita.

There was also a statue of Fugen Bosatsu 普賢菩薩 and many people born in the year of the dragon or snake (tatsu 辰 mi 巳 ) came here to pray to these deities.

In 1971 the main hall burned down and the statues and picture scrolls were lost.
In the next year the hall was rebuilt.

The famous Bon dance (Kuroishi yosare 黒石よされ) has been performed in the grounds of this temple since the Edo period.

- Chant of the temple
願う身の たどりつきたる 地蔵院 かたき信心で 祈りささげん
草の上に 重くおきたる 黒石の 詣でしあとの こころ軽やか

. Shoogun Jizo 将軍地蔵 Shogun Jizo, General Jizo .

. Kuroishi Yosare Festival 黒石よされ .
August 15 - 16


Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師空海

Ebisu えびす 恵比寿

- source and more photos :


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :

- Member of other pilgrimages in the region

. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck - 恵比寿神 Ebisu .


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

1月1日 初護摩供
2月24日 水子供養祭
4月23日 百万遍数珠供養 Hyakumanben juzo Rosary Ritual
7月23日 本祭 Great Festival
10月1日 七五三祈祷


- - - reference - - -

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .

. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. Fudo Myo-O at Mount Koyasan 高野山の明王像 .

. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .


. 東北三十六不動尊霊場 - 36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .  


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Juraku-Ji Shikoku 07


Juurakuji 十楽寺 Juraku-Ji

. 四国お遍路さん Henro Pilgrims in Shikoku . - General Information


Nr. 07 - 光明山 Komyozan 蓮華院 Renge-In  十楽寺 Juraku-Ji
(こうみょうざん れんげいん じゅうらくじ)
徳島県阿波市高尾字法教田58 / Hōkyōden-58 Donarichō Takao, Awa-shi, Tokushima

- Chant of the temple


- source :

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .

. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .   .

The Five Great Wisdom Kings, Godai Myo-O - 五大明王
. The Five Great Elements of the Universe - 地水火風空の五大 .


- Two short Haiku Henro Trips, Summer 2005

. 四国お遍路さん Pilgrims in Shikoku . - General Information

Koya San in Wakayama

Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海
(Kooboo Daishi, Kuukai )

Haiku and Henro:
.... . The Haiku Henro Pilgrimage  


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .



Yasaka-Ji Shikoku 47


Yasakaji 八坂寺 Yasaka-Ji

. 四国お遍路さん Henro Pilgrims in Shikoku . - General Information


Nr. 47 - 熊野山 Kumanozan 妙見院 Myoken-In 八坂寺 Yasaka-Ji
(くまのざん みょうけんいん やさかじ)
愛媛県松山市浄瑠璃町八坂773 / Matsuyama town

- Chant of the temple
三仏じょうの縁 とこそきけ


source : Bradford Pomeroy - facebook

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .

. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .   .

The Five Great Wisdom Kings, Godai Myo-O - 五大明王
. The Five Great Elements of the Universe - 地水火風空の五大 .


- Two short Haiku Henro Trips, Summer 2005

. 四国お遍路さん Pilgrims in Shikoku . - General Information

Koya San in Wakayama

Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海
(Kooboo Daishi, Kuukai )

Haiku and Henro:
.... . The Haiku Henro Pilgrimage  


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .




Jizo Special Statues


. Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .

Jizo Bosatsu - Special Statues

. Jizo Bosatsu (Kshitigarbha) 地蔵菩薩 .

- - - - - The following statues are introduced below :

Araki Jizo 荒木忍先生 - yobikake Jizo 呼掛け Jizo calling out
hanami Jizo 花見地蔵 "Jizo and Cherry Blossoms "
hana sakasu Jizo はなさかす地蔵 Jizo with flowers
hohoemi Jizo 微笑み地蔵尊 Smiling Jizo
hoomuran Jizo ホームラン地蔵 Homerun / Baseball
idakare Jizo 抱かれ地蔵 Jizo embraced by a tree
ikigi Jizo 生木地蔵 "Jizo carved in a living tree" / (tachiki Jizo 立木地蔵)
joro-kai Jizo 女郎買地蔵 Jizo buying a prostitute
kamihari Jizo 紙貼り地蔵 Jizo to paste paper on
katsugi Jizo かつぎ地蔵 Jizo showing the way
komochi Jizo 子持ち地蔵 Jizo pregnant, with children
kubifuri Jizo  首ふり地蔵 Jizo with a movable head
mizumuke Jizo 水向地蔵
momo Jizo 桃地蔵 with a peach
neko Jizoo 猫地蔵 Neko Jizo. "Jizo with Cat"
praying Jizo (Gifu, Kasuga shrine)
. Roku Jizō 六地蔵 Roku Jizo, Six Jizo Statues .
sakkaa Jizo サッカー地蔵 Jizo playing soccer
Sanuki udon Jizo 讃岐うどん地蔵 Jizo eating Udon noodles
shio Jizo 塩地蔵尊 Jizo made from salt
suki Jizo スキー地蔵 on ski at mountain top
yatori Jizo 矢取地蔵 Jizo catching the arrow
yotsugi Jizo 世継地蔵 "Heir Jizo", "Successor Jizo"
Moss Jizo and Haiku by Issa

This page will be updated regularly !

Araki Jizo 荒木忍先生 made by Araki Sensei

yobikake Jizo 呼掛け Jizo calling out

source : 仏像ワールド


hanami Jizo 花見地蔵 Jizo and Cherry Blossoms

CLICK for more !
- shared by John Dougill, Kyoto -


hana sakasu Jizo はなさかす地蔵 Jizo with flowers

広島 福山の明王院


hohoemi Jizo 微笑み地蔵尊 Smiling Jizo

- shared by Grace - facebook

koyasu Jizo by Mokujiki

. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

nikoniko Jizo にこにこ地蔵尊 Smiling Jizo

at the 高幡不動 Takahata Fudo Temple


hoomuran Jizo ホームラン地蔵 Homerun / Baseball "

at temple Kaitoku-Ji
1 Chome-2-10 Minamishinagawa, Shinagawa, Tokyo


idakare Jizo 抱かれ地蔵 Jizo embraced by a tree
- more photos -


ikigi Jizo 生木地蔵 "Jizo carved in a living tree"

- source : Masayoshi on facebook

at 切山平家遺跡 Kiriyama Heike Remains, Shikoku

. tachikibutsu 立木仏 Buddhas in living trees .


joroo-kai Jizo 女郎買地蔵 Joro-kai Jizo buying a prostitute
at the temple 大雲寺 Daiun-Ji in 桶川宿 Okegawa town (Postal station Nr. 6 on the Nakasendo Road)

女郎買い地蔵 - This state has been put in place in 1557.

Okegawa was quite a busy postal station and had many brothels. Not only the travellers, but also locals frequented these places. Soon there was the rumor that even the Jizo statue of the temple was out there enjoying himself. So the head priest tried to solve the problem. He fixed a clamp on the back of the statue and used a chain to bind it.
Since then, the Jizo did not move any more.

To tell the truth (maybe?) there was a young priest in the temple who went out every night . . . but got stopped when he saw his master fix the Jizo to teach him a lesson and save him.
The clamp on the back of the statue can be seen to our day.


kamihari Jizoo 紙貼り地蔵 Jizo to paste paper on
while making a wish

source : facebook

at Oosu Kannon 大須観音 Osu Kannon - Nagoya

. Osu Kannon and Fudo Myo-O .


katsugi Jizo かつぎ地蔵 Jizo showing the way

at 新田集落 - at the highway 佐渡奉行街道 Sado Bugyo Kaido
- reference source : Takashi Nishino -


komochi Jizo 子持ち地蔵 Jizo pregnant, with children

(昭島市福島町2丁目) - Oku-Tama

- reference source : ... -


kubifuri Jizo  首ふり地蔵 Jizo with a movable head
at Kiyomizuzaka 清水坂 Kyoto

- source : facebook


mizumuke Jizoo 水向地蔵 water covered Jizo

source : facebook

A statue to throw water on, with prayers for departed family members.

. 高野山 Koyasan - 奥の院 Oku no In .


momo Jizo 桃地蔵 with a peach
by Seiichi Tsuchiya san


neko Jizoo 猫地蔵 Neko Jizo. "Jizo with Cat"
at 自性院 Jisho-In - 西落合
新宿区西落合1-11-23 Shinjuku, Tokyo : 猫寺 The Cat Temple
. Gofunai Henro Temple Nr. 53 .
Once in Edo there lived a man in Ushigome. He had a beloved cat, but the animal died and he was very sad.
Jizo Bosatsu appeared in his dream and advised him to go to the temple Jishoo-In 自性院 Jisho-In to see the high priest 鑑秀上人. He told him to have the statue of a cat erected.
A kind of migawari, he takes on our illness and problems.

source : facebook

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


 praying Jizo

Kasuga Shrine in Tsumagi-cho, Toki-City. Kasuga Shrine.
The Jizo looks like the preacher of The Cross is carved.
The hands clasped in prayer looks like a cross.
It shows the faith of hidden Christians.
- source : Aoi on facebook -


roku Jizoo 六地蔵 six special Jizo

- source : facebook
六体童形地蔵像 Six Jizo as Children
鞍馬寺 Kurama Temple, Kyoto

. Roku Jizō, Roku Jizoo 六地蔵 Roku Jizo, Six Jizo Statues .


. sakenomi Jizoo 酒飲み地蔵 / 酒飲地蔵 Jizo having a drink of Sake .
sakedachi Jizo 酒断ち地蔵 / 酒断地蔵 Jizo to help stop drinking


Tsunbo Jizo
- quote -
. . . . . TSUNBO JIZŌ 聾地蔵 (lit. = Deaf Jizō)
of Komagome 駒込 (Hongo, Tokyo) helps when one suffers from persistent coughing. The people believe that, since Jizō is deaf, he cannot hear their prayers; it is therefore necessary to send them to him in writing, either by post, or by placing the written paper on the waters of a river or the sea.
This Jizō is thought to be a great lover of sake and a cure is more likely if he is promised a bottle.”
- source : Mark Schumacher


sakkaa Jizoo サッカー地蔵 Jizo playing soccer

Jizo playing with a soccer ball - world cup 2014

サッカー地蔵に必勝祈願!不動院境内 Arao town, Kumamoto, Fudo-In


source :

熊本の大津運動公園 Kumamoto Ozumachi Sports Park


Sanuki udon Jizo 讃岐うどん地蔵 Jizo eating Udon noodles


shio Jizo son 塩地蔵尊 Jizo made from salt

Genkaku-Ji 源覚、文京区 Koishikawa, Bunkyo City, Tokyo
Two statues made of pure salt. Sick people come here and put their wet finger on the place where their own body aces. That will heal them.


sukii Jizoo スキー地蔵 Jizo on Ski

地蔵山頂駅 ロープウェイ各駅 near the ropeway on top of Mount Jizosan.

蔵王地蔵尊 Jizo statues at Mount Zao
- reference source : -


near Tenryu-Ji in Kyoto

source : Dougill on facebook


yatori Jizoo 矢取地蔵 Jizo catching the arrow
aimed to kill Kobo Daishi
yaoi Jizoo, ya-oi 矢負地蔵 "arrow-collecting Jizo"
The statue now has a wound at the place where the arrow would have hit Kukai.

京都市南区唐橋羅城門町 - Kyoto
Karahashi Rajomoncho, Minami Ward, Kyoto

In 824 during a drought, Emperor Junna 淳和天皇 (786 - 840) ordered Kukai Kobo Daishi, priest at the Eastern Temple 東寺 To-Ji, and priest Shubin 守敏, head priest at the Western Temple 西寺 Sai-Ji, to perform rain rituals at the sacred park Shinsen-En 神泉苑.
Shubin did the rituals first, but no rain fell to ease the drought.
Next Kukai did the rituals - and whow, it rained for three days and three nights.
This is known as the "Rain Ritual Fighting" 雨ごい合戦 in the records of Kukai.

But Shubin was quite angry at this outcome. He waited in ambush at the Rashomon gate and tried to shoot an arrow at Kukai to kill him.
At this moment a monk in a black robe appeared and protected Kukai, catching the arrow with his hand. The monk was a personification of Jizo Bosatsu.
. amagoi 雨乞い rain rituals .


yotsugi Jizoo 世継地蔵 "Heir Jizo", "Successor Jizo"

yotsugi Jizoo doo 世継地蔵堂 "Heir Jizo Hall"

with a special hall at temple Jootokuji 上徳寺 Jotoku-Ji, Kyoto
Ensoozan 塩竈山 Enzozan

This temple was built by Ieyasu Tokugawa in 1603. It has the graves of his concubine Acha no tsubone 阿茶局 and her daughter 泰栄院.
There is also the grave of haiku poet Horiuchi Unkoo 堀内雲鼓 Horiuchi Unko (1665 - 1728).

Praying to this Jizo will help getting pregnant.


koke no hana ko kizu ni saku ya ishi jizoo

moss blossoms bloom
in a little crack...
stone Jizo

Kobayashi Issa
Tr. David Lanoue

- #jizobosatsu #jizostatues -

. Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 Kshitigarbha - Introduction .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

