
Hoko-Ji Hamamatsu

- - - - - Hanzobo Tengu, see below

Hookooji、Hōkō-ji 方広寺 Hoko-Ji

静岡県引佐町 臨済宗方広寺派本山 Zen temple Rinzai Sect
1577-1 Inasachō Okuyama, Kita-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka

- quote
Shinnozan 深奥山 Hoko-ji 方廣寺
Hoko-ji, located deep in the mountains of western Shizuoka Prefecture north of the city of Hamamatsu, is the head temple of the Hoko-ji branch of Rinzai Zen, with approximately 170 associated temples. It was established in 1371 by the regional lord, Okuyama Rokuro Jiro Tomofuji 奥山六郎次郎朝藤, who invited as founding abbot Mumon Gensen 無文元選 (1323–1390), a son of Emperor Go-Daigo 後醍醐 (r. 1319–1339).

Gensen had become a monk at Kennin-ji and trained under the masters Kao Sonen 可翁宗然 (d. 1345) and Sesson Yubai 雪村友梅 (1290–1346). In 1343 he went to China, where he practiced under the master Gumei Zhengyou 古梅正友 (1285–1352). After receiving the Dharma Seal of the master he traveled further in China, residing for a time at Tiantaishan 天台山. In 1350 Mumon returned to Japan and did further practice in the mountains near Shizuoka, where Okuyama Rokuro Jiro Tomofuji studied Zen under him.

Among Hoko-ji’s notable buildings is the Hanzobo Daigongen 半僧坊大權権現. The Hanzobo Daigongen was built in honor of a deity that is said to have appeared to Mumon Gensen when his ship encountered a storm on the way back from China. The deity, vowing that he would protect Mumon so that he could return to Japan to teach the Dharma, guided the captain and helped the ship survive the storm. Later, after Mumon had become priest of Hoko-ji, the deity appeared again and asked to study Zen. He was dressed partly as a monk and partly as a layman, so the master called him Hanzobo 半僧坊, “Half-monk".

Another notable structure is the Shichison Bosatsudo 七尊菩薩堂 (Important Cultural Property), a shrine built in 1401 that honors seven Shinto deities and Buddhist bodhisattvas. Hoko-ji is also known for its stone images of the Five Hundred Arhats (the five hundred enlightened disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha), located at various places around the temple grounds, including atop a stone bridge.
- source : zen.rinnou.net/head_temples

石橋と五百羅漢 Stone bridge and 500 Arhats


These statues have become important national treasures in 2014.

Shaka Nyorai in the middle (104 cm)
Monju Bosatsu on the left (57 cm)
Fugen Bosatsu on the right (56 cm)

- Homepage of the temple

- source : www.houkouji.or.jp


. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .

Hanzooboo 半僧坊 the Tengu Hanzobo, Hanzo-Bo  
遠州奥山半僧坊 Enshu Okuyama Hanzo-Bo

His grave is at the temple Hoko-Ji. Once there was a fire in the back of the temple compound, but it stopped just short of his grave.
Thus he has saved the temple buildings many times from fire destruction.
(坊 BO can mean a building or be used as the name of a priest or Tengu.)

半僧坊祭り - Hanzobo Festival  

Amulets to avoid evil, fire, diaster, be safe at sea - and many more
厄難消除、海上安全、火災消除、所願満足 - 等

- source : hansoubou.com

Yearly Festivals
- source : hansoubou.com/gyoji


Mumon Gensen (1323 - 1390)

- quote
Life is like a cloud of mist emerging from a mountain cave
and death a floating moon in its celestial course.
If you think too much about the meaning they may have
you'll be bound forever like an ass to a stake.

Words cannot describe everything.
The heart’s message cannot be delivered in words.
If one receives words literally, he will be lost.
If he tries to explain with words,
he will not attain enlightenment in this life.

- source : www.greatthoughtstreasury.com


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

biwa no mi no aoao to shite Hanzooboo

the loquat fruit
are so green
at Hanzobo sanctuary

Tr. Gabi Greve

. Kawasaki Tenkoo 川崎展宏 Kawasaki Tenko .

. biwa びわ 枇杷 loquat .


Kanagawa, 鎌倉 Kamakura - 半僧坊 Hanzobo / Hansōbō Shrine / Hansobo

In the compound of temple 建長寺 Kencho-Ji, on top of the mountain.
There are many tengu statues on the way up there.
He is a protector of fires and brings good luck.

ema 絵馬 votive tablet

- reference : kamakura hanzobo -


. Hōkō-ji 方広寺 Hoko-Ji, Kyoto .
Kyoto Daibutsu no Nanafushigi 京都大仏の七不思議

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- #hanzobo #hokoji -

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